
Health examination program to find the cause of illness in detail Emphasizing disease prevention and planning guidelines for daily life adjustment Eating and exercising appropriately for personal including rehabilitation and slowing the deterioration of the body. The center will prepare an Anti-aging Passport in a format that is easy to understand and can be implemented by yourself. With the same standards as in America and Europe.

Detoxification by giving H2O2 (Hydrogen peroxide). In general, H2O2 can be created in every cell. Responsible for controlling the generation of energy Stimulate the immune system Help destroy the virus. Mold and Yeast Helps to increase blood flow. Reducing blood clots Helps to reduce chronic pain. Therefore used to treat and relieve migraine headache, asthma, influenza, hepatitis, enteritis, rheumatoid arthritis, Alzheimer's disease, herpes, coronary heart disease. Circulatory system diseases, gums and cancer. Detoxification with H2O2 is highly safe. Because our body has an enzyme catalase that helps convert H2O2 into oxygen and water. Processing time is approximately 1/2 hour / time.

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